Monday, June 9, 2008

David Rayson

Night Garden, 2003 Ink on paper
Night Garden, 2003

David Rayson is a professor of painting at the Royal College of Art (London)

His present work is drawing and some printmaking. It deals with the strange images and thoughts that come out of Rayson’s head while he works and lives in a London suburb. 
His older work has crazy detail almost beyond the realm of realism. The buildings are painted perfectly with every brick included. They’re pretty paintings and you have to respect the work that went into them, but I like the new stuff better. He creates crazy worlds. Plus the fact that it’s on crappy paper and done in marker makes it an in the moment work even when the moment has past.   

 I wish that I could remember more of his lecture.  I know he talked about shutting the rest or the world out when you work and finding a ritual that helps you get into that state of mind. He told a few funny stories and explained the progression of his work. He's a really cool guy, and definitely one of the best speakers we had all semester. 

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