Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tips on buying art

First step: Never Ever buy an ink-jet print of a painting if it costs more than 30 dollars. Especially if it has dabs of real paint on it, you're being cheated. The real thing is always better.

Step two: If you think you know nothing about art but want to decorate your house, go to a student exhibition. You'll be exposed to a wide range of styles and you'll be buying real work, and supporting students who I promise you need the money and encouragement.

Step three: If you want less expensive work of good quality try print department shows. The prices are lower because the medium allows for multiples, but the editions usually number 10 or 20 rather than 2,000 (like the stuff you see in stores)

Step four: Don't be intimidated. Art is personal if you like something buy it even if you don't think you "get it."

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