Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm not in school

As many people I know head back to school I feel slightly left out. Not that I really need the stress of college again just yet, but I will miss classes. It's odd to think that for the first time since I was two and a half I will not be attending school in the fall. I am forced to wonder if I'll be able to stay away. What is it about school that I am suddenly so attached to? Is it the academics? the people? belonging to something? or is it simply that I was a student for such a long time that I feel a pull to remain so.

Today I missed art history. I really just want to go to a room and sit down and listen to an expert talk about art. I know I can get this from pod casts and videos but, there is something about a college lecture. Especially when the professor is really excited that there are people willing to listen to them talk about something they love. You can tell by the questions they ask and the way they sometimes smile and jump a little when come to their favorite artist.

Well I hope every one is having a wonderful time at school. For now I will have to adjust to not attending classes.

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